The Garrett Memorial Chapel is a very special place of worship in the Finger Lakes region. For many in our community, it holds great religious and historic importance. Weddings have been held at the chapel since opening in 1931, but due to a limited schedule, it is only available to a very small number of brides and grooms each year.
If you are interested in having your wedding ceremony at the Garrett Chapel, please review availability and frequently asked questions below.
Once you have identified a wedding date available and wish to proceed to application for your wedding, please click here to download the application form and instructions.
Guidelines and Conditions of Use:
- The chapel receives numerous requests a year for weddings, and can accommodate no more than 15 weddings in a season. All applicants are interviewed via phone by the trustees who retain all rights to approve or deny wedding requests based on these interviews.
- Generally, bookings occur between six and eighteen months in advance of the planned wedding date. On some rare occasions, cancelations may make dates available on shorter notice.
- Weddings are not scheduled on Sundays or during evening hours.
- The chapel is small. Weddings are limited to no more than 75 people. Bride, groom, clergy, and attendees cannot exceed 9 of the 75 due to limited alter space. No exceptions are made. The chapel is seasonal. Weddings are conducted from May 15 through September 30. There is no heat or cooling available, nor access to the property for walkthrough or planning meetings outside this timeframe.
- The facility is not ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant and individuals with mobility impairments will find access challenging. Restroom facilities are in a separate small building down a long and uneven path that many will find challenging in formal dress clothing, and is not wheelchair accessible.
- The fee for weddings is currently $900, collected at time of booking. $300 is non refundable upon payment. The remainder is non refundable within 6 months of the scheduled wedding.
- No wine, beer, or liquor of any kind is permitted on chapel grounds.
- There are no facilities for a reception at the Chapel.
- The crypt and bell tower are not open for viewing during weddings.
- There is an entrance for wedding party cars only at the south end of the driveway. Cars may not turn around and must exit at the north end (upper) gate.
- The caretaker strives to keep the grounds spotless for all who visit. Please respect the grounds including refrain from driving on the lawn or flower beds and staying on paths within the gardens.
- All guests, for the rehearsal and the wedding, must park on the upper road and walk down the path to the Chapel. Handicap access must be discussed in advance of the rehearsal with the caretaker.
- There is no throwing of rice, confetti, birdseed, or any other materials on the Chapel grounds.
- Signs, balloons, ribbons and other materials must be removed by the wedding party before leaving the chapel grounds.
- Chapel acoustics are excellent. The Chapel has a small keyboard, however, the services of an organist are not included in the fee for use of the Chapel. The couple must make whatever musical arrangements they wish. Note, there are no facilities for amplification or for electronic or electric instruments besides the keyboard.
- The chapel is in the ecclesiastical charge of the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester, NY. Additional provisions and criteria apply should the couple seek an officiant from the Episcopal Church.
- The bride and groom are responsible to ensure guests are aware of and follow all chapel guidelines.
- A full set of rules governing Chapel weddings are formally agreed to by the applicant at time booking and are outlined in the attached wedding application.
- If you have identified a wedding date available and wish to proceed to application for your wedding, please click here to download the application form and instructions.